Thursday, June 14, 2012

CLUTTER TIP FOR TODAY Limit SOME of the Multiple Items We Own

Clutter tip for the day is limit multiple items we own. Really more is not always better. Who really needs several sets of dishes, silverware or vases.  I have one set of dishes really is pieces of sets, pieces of silverware and probably 4 to 6 vases.
picture is of a church booksale we were at recently. Sweet hubby is in the dark blue shirt searching for a treasure of a book.

I can understand having lots of books but that is me the book lover and former bookstore owner but even I can have to many books that I want to keep. Of course we buy and sell books on the Internet so we are bound to have alot of books in our home. Sometimes I find books and put off selling them because I am not ready to part with them.

This week there is a Friends of the Library sale. Hubby and I went Tuesday twice, once before lunch and once after.  Brought home over 50 books, most to sell but a few to read and then sell.

At this time I have 26 books on ghost stories. I collect them but have not found the time to sit and read many of them.  I recently found 4 on haunted great lakes, Minnesota. Those are the ones I will start with. Then there is the collection of books on collectible jewelry, glassware and the books on collecting books.

Do you find your self collecting any certain kind of books, vases or anything else.  Probably time for me to weed out some of my ghost books, glassware guides and some of the other books I find and bring home.

Thanks for stopping by. Grace

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